The Fallen

Posted by Martijn on Sat, Jul 10, 1999
The Fallen
by Martijn van der Kleijn

A man walking down the street. People swirving to avoid him. He looks sad and at the same time menacing. Black hair and black eyes, he stalks the street. People push back against the wall, cowering in fear as he passes by, yet why they do not know. This stranger dressed all in black invokes fear and screams of terror fill their minds. A big, killer of a dog regards the man but a bearest moment before yelping a plea for help and hurrying away.

A man walking down the street. He turns a corner and heads towards a bar. It is a rough place filled with bikers. Several wear black leather jackets with the name ‘Hell’s Angels’ on them. He smiles, the dog in the corner closes his eyes to this horror and decides to die. The man knows his prey is near.

Sitting on the far end of the bar is a beautiful woman, surrounded by admirerers. The man walks up to her. A two meter tall bodybuilder barely manages to scurry out of the way as those arround her flee.

"I am of the Fallen" he announces. His voice, calm, controlled and warm, spreads menace among those in the bar. Several bikers flee the room.

“I know” she replies with a voice so soft and warm.

“Then know you must die.”

“Angels never die, my friend.” she replies. He smirks. With a hand extended like a claw he pushes into her flesh, ripping out her still beating hart. Feeling her death, she whispers.

“After a thousand years, you’ve finally become beyond help.” Sagging as she sees him eating her heart, she can feel her essence flowing out of her. Just before closing her eyes and drifting towards the endless sleep, she looks at him and says “Goodbye, my love…”

The man leaves the bar, splashed with blood. Looking for his next evil act, deep down inside of him, something screeches he’s lost someone dear. He no longer cares and ignores the diminishing voice.

About this story

Originally published on Elfwood. A long time ago, on a website called “Elfwood”, I read one of the stories of another writer. It was called ‘Fallen Angels’. That inspired me to do a version of my own about fallen angels.