
Posted by Martijn on Fri, Oct 1, 1999
by Martijn van der Kleijn

Walking in the mist, I suddenly came upon her. At first she seemed frightened, yet green fire jumped out at me from her eyes, telling me to tred carefully. Her long golden hair waved in the wind when she turned. She strode off into the mist.

At first I couldn’t find her. I walked on aimlessly for a while trying to find that girl. Without warning I cleared the fog and found myself standing on top of a cliff. The girl looked at me with those teasing eyes as if she was saying ‘Will you follow me even if I jump?’.

‘Twas then I saw her ears. They matched those of the elves, long and pointed. She certainly seemed no elf to me. I took a step closer.

She opened her mouth and in a melodious voice, said ‘Follow then, human.’ With a quick smile, she jumped. I ran over, sure to find her falling to her death. Imagine my surprise when she unfolded her long white wings and took flight.

About this story

Originally published on Elfwood. This was a short snippet, not even a full story, about a meeting the protagonist has. I like to write small snippets like this for fun or just as excercises.