Asking questions

Posted by Martijn on Mon, Mar 1, 1999
Asking Questions
by Martijn van der Kleijn

Turning away from his practice partner, with which he was practicing his fencing, he looks you over for a moment. The young man then says,

“Him? He just moves me, literally. That’s just ‘bout as much as I know about him.”

The young man turns back toward his fencing with a smile. Wouldn’t do to let the Duke know he’d been neglecting his combat skills.

Moving down one of the castle’s many stone passageway’s, you discover a small room off to the right. Upon entering the room a friendly looking woman with a big smile offers you a seat. She tells you

“Yes, I heard you were asking around about him.” She adjusts here robe a moment and continues. “I don’t know what to tell you. He’s a kind person, really. Loves things like ‘outerspace’ and ‘fantasy’. He values honesty a lot.”

She looks out the window a moment, taking a minute to think while looking at the would-be soldiers practicing in the castle’s court-yard.

"He values a concept like honor alot." Turning her gaze back upon you, she says

“You know why I like him? He’s still partly a child in heart.”

Reaching the castle garden, you find a beatiful young woman there.

“Martijn, you say. Yes, I know him.” She smiles sweetly, pulling a lock of her long blond hair out of her eyes. “He’s a little on the shy side. I think he likes me. Too bad he’s so shy…” She wanders off enjoying the garden.

Sweet smelling rozes escort you while walking back to the castle’s gate. The soldier on watch throws you a quick salute and asks you

“I hope you got what you wanted. Sorry the master wasn’t in, maybe if you come back someday, you can ‘interview’ him then.”

He turns around, stepping back into the small gatehouse to lower the large porticullis once you’ve left.

About this story

Originally published on Elfwood. This was written a long time ago as an introductionary excercise for a short online course I did.