Releasing Forgejo SDK

A first stable release of Forgejo SDK

Posted by Martijn on Sun, Jun 16, 2024

Releasing Forgejo SDK

Not too long ago, Forgejo announced their decision to become a hard fork of Gitea, instead of the soft fork it had been up to that point. Forgejo had diverged from Gitea and turning it into a hard fork simply made sense.

A little after that, when I became aware of their decision, I decided to look for a Forgejo SDK for one of my projects instead of continuing to rely on the Gitea SDK.

Having found no such SDK, I decided that hard forking the Gitea SDK would make equal sense. So I did.

Why v1.1.0?

With version 1.0.0-alpha getting a minor update before it went past alpha, we end up with v1.1.0.

The Forgejo SDK uses Codeberg’s Woodpecker CI for testing and the test suite is now doing integration tests against Forgejo release 7.0.4. Some of the latest changes that were added to the Gitea SDK, were cherry picked and added to this release.

A couple of points to take into account while we go into the future:

  • This is a HARD fork and may, or may not, diverge from the original Gitea SDK;
  • This SDK intends to follow Semver v2;

Project lives on Codeberg

The Forgejo SDK project lives on Codeberg at and I encourage you to add PRs or issues there.


Similar to the original source, Forgejo SDK uses a variant of the MIT license. Ideally I’d like to change this to MPL-2.0 but I’m currently unsure if that’s legally possible.